Help for People with Blindness or Vision Loss

Help for People with Blindness or Vision Loss

From the very beginning of our organization, one of our most important goals has been helping people with blindness or vision loss. Overcoming any kind of handicap is difficult, but loss of vision is especially challenging. We strive to promote the maximum level of independence by providing specialized help and training as well as a wide range of useful appliances and devices.

When someone is referred to the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped, we send one of our caseworkers to meet with the individual in their home. Together they identify any functional limitations due to visual impairment. Then based on the facts and findings of this initial meeting, our caseworker explains the help that is available.

This might include low vision aids and appliances, such as hand-held magnifiers, low vision clocks, large-print items, sunglasses, and so on. Individuals with vision loss who are eligible may also receive support services, such as:

  • assistance with correspondence and mail reading
  • help with shopping
  • transportation to medical appointments
  • repair or maintenance of low vision aids
  • installation of important safety aids such as smoke alarms and night lights
  • and a variety of other applicable services.

All of our services are based on the needs of the individual. Our caseworkers develop a custom service plan with the client and determine which support services are necessary to maximize the client’s independence. The CCABH works with the Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services to provide Orientation and Mobility Training, Rehabilitation and Employment to individuals with vision loss who are eligible for these services.

If you or someone you know suffers serious loss of vision, we encourage you to call us at (814) 536-3531. We may be able to help.